THE SCHOOL OF THE PROPHETS The Ministry of the Watchman is a function of the school of the prophets (company of prophets) that was developed during the ministry of the Prophet Samuel. (1 Sam. 10:5). The prophet was one who had revelation, (visions, dreams, prophecy) who interceded (stood in the gap, made up a hedge) protected the people (warfare strategy, executing the word of the Lord), taught other prophets, anointed leaders, provided counsel to warriors concerning divine strategy, as well as prophesying the word of God according to the revelations that he received from God.
The prophet Elisha seems to have had some type of common living quarters with the sons of the prophets. The term "sons" may refer to spiritual as well as natural sons. More often it refers to someone who is being trained by a "father" or experienced, senior person in the ministry. When the living quarters were too small for these young men, they sought consent from Elisha to build larger living quarters. (2 Ki. 6:1-5). Apparently he was the head over their lives in more than a teaching/schooling sense. It is quite possible that their schooling extended into the home life as well. Perhaps we can learn something from this. Ministry is first and foremost a lifestyle. It is a discipline, not a job. This is what differentiates a call from a career. The school of the prophets was also referred to as a college. Hulda the prophetess lived at the college at Jerusalem (2 Ki. 22:14). It seems that many of the persons associated with teaching were engaged in making copies of the law. They were inspired workers, so they no doubt taught as well as wrote. In Acts 19:9, we see the school of Tryannus where the apostle Paul disputed daily for two years the things related to the gospel. It is not certain if this was a Hebrew, Roman or Christian school, but it is clear that the Apostle Paul had great liberty to preach there. The gospel is not bound. Ministers were commonly taught through discipleship. People today look at it as "mentoring," but it is quite different. Discipleship is best understood by the ministry of Jesus. He could be said to have had a school of the prophets, as did John the Baptist. They all trained disciples. The word disciple comes from the Latin word for "student". A student was one who was wholly submitted to the master. This relationship was totally voluntary, though the master had certain requirements for the training of his disciples. Jesus commanded his
disciples to "follow Me." They asked Jesus The fact that prophets governed the schools of ministry in the Old Testament system is easy to understand. They were the final authority in spiritual matters because they had "the word of the Lord." The priest could use oracles, and the King was anointed in certain areas of decision making to hear directly from God, but they were both subject to the prophet as the one who got the messages. Many persons deliberately inquired of the Lord through the prophet. It is true somewhat today. Prophets still have the ability to help people because they have revelation gifts that allow them to "see" and to "hear" what God is saying. This does not take the place of God speaking directly to the person, but it is a way that God speaks. The ministry of inquiring of the Lord for information through a gifted human is so common, that fortunetellers and psychics have done it for ages. This practice is increasing in popularity as people seem to have less and less time to devote themselves fully to God. But God still has true prophets who have His word in their mouths. God never lets the false stop Him from speaking to His people. He chooses how He wants to do this. In our school of the prophets, called the Empowerment Meeting we teach and train people the ministry of the watchman. This consists of praying corporately and in pairs, teaching the word, and ministering at the altar to those who have a need. We also teach the students how to minister to the sick through prayer, prayer cloths, and the laying on of hands. We teach concepts like: the fivefold ministry gifts and their functions, with emphasis on the prophets ministry; understanding the anointing; the healing ministry; the miracles of Jesus; spiritual maturity; walking in the spirit; leadership qualifications; household salvation; how to have a strong marriage and family, and smaller topics related to the believers ministry. Our school of the prophets is designed to empower the saints for service. Our testimonies validate the effectiveness of the ministry. Feel free to join us. There is no registration, no fees. Just come and join yourself to this company, learn and do the works of God. |